(212) 779-9100

Construction Work is Dangerous!

Find out if you are entitled to monetary damages.

There are special laws that protect construction workers who get hurt on the job, but they only protect you if you have a lawyer who knows how to use them for your benefit. If you have been hurt doing construction work you may be entitled to significant monetary damages.





Frequently Asked Questions About Construction Accidents

Why do I need to speak to an attorney if I get hurt on my job?
You need to know your rights in order to make an informed decision on how to proceed. You cannot rely on your employer to give you unbiased advice or help.
How soon after my accident should I call?
As soon as possible. Quite often, what you do in the first days following a workplace accident can have a major effect later on and you can’t predict what effect your injury will have on you down the road.
You need good information in order to make good decisions.
What does it cost me to call Jeff Shapiro for advice?
Nothing. We work on a contingency fee and only get paid if we handle the case and win for you.
What kind of case can I bring?

You have 2 possibilities: a workers compensation claim and a “third party” claim.

Workers Compensation:
Every worker in New York is entitled to workers compensation benefits if they get hurt on the job. Workers Comp pays for medical expenses and lost wages. But these benefits are limited and rarely cover an injured worker’s life expenses

Third party claim:
If someone other than your employer is legally responsible for your accident you can bring a third party claim against them and recover all of your damages. This is important because unlike a workers compensation claim, in a third party case you can recover damages for all of your lost wages, benefits, unpaid medical expenses and pain and suffering. A third party case gives you the chance to recover all of the money you are entitled to because of your accident.

How much money am I entitled to in a third party case?
The amount of money you collect is totally dependent on how serious an injury you have sustained. We will give you a complete analysis of your case and our estimate of the value your case so that you will know exactly what to expect.
How do I know if I have a case?
Call us.
We have handled so many different types of cases over the years that it would be impossible to list them all here. With our experience, we know what to look for, how to help you and how to guide you in the proper direction if we can’t handle your case.
If I bring a third party case can I still collect Worker’s Compensation?
Yes. Bringing a case does not affect your right to collect Workers Compensation. In fact, almost all of our clients collect Workers Compensation benefits to keep themselves and their families going until we are able to resolve their case.
If I bring a third party case can I get fired?
First, you can’t be fired for exercising your legal rights.
Second, you aren’t suing your employer. That’s why it’s called a third party case.
Do I have to be a US citizen to sue?
No. Everyone has the same rights regardless of their citizenship status.
Personal Attention. National Legal Recognition. Million-Dollar Wins.


Jeffrey Shapiro & Associates is a leading NYC Law Firm specializing in Job Site and Construction Accidents. The firm has been successfully settling work accident cases for more than 30 years. Located in Manhattan, we work with injured individuals throughout the five boroughs.

“Let me start by saying I am a union carpenter, local 926 concrete carpenters. I was hurt badly on the job and referred to Mr. Shapiro by one of my union brothers. Thank God that he reviewed my case and handled it as if it were his only case! He became my lawyer and friend. He stuck by me and gave me the encouragement I needed to get healthy again as well as handle my case with the utmost care and concern. During a time when my family and I have been going thru some rough storms Jeffrey has stuck by us and done his best and then some to facilitate me and mine…. Plainly put, wouldn't ever use anyone else!"


NYS Labor Laws 200, 240 and 241(6) provide vital protection for workers who do work involving construction, renovation, alteration or demolition work in New York. These laws make it the responsibility of the owner of the job site or general contractor to provide a safe work place. If a worker is injured because of an unsafe condition, he or she can bring a lawsuit against the owner or general contractor in addition to be able to collect Workers Compensation from his employer.

Questions? We’ve got answers.




(212) 779-9100


675 3rd Avenue Suite 3005 New York, NY 10017

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